What is the trip all about?

History & War

We will walk through the battles of Sharpsburg (Antietam) and Gettysburg in detail on the fields. We will also talk about:

  • The causes of the American Civil War
  • A timeline of the war's events
  • The role of theology

Life & Faith

We rarely see the substance of a man's faith so clearly as in the crucible of war.

We will study the life, faith and key decisions of Robert E. Lee, Oliver O. Howard, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Strong Vincent, and Jeb Stuart.

Biblical Manhood & Leadership

We will learn about who God calls us to be as men by hearing what the Bible has to say.

Character lessons and training in the foundation principles of leadership will help us become what God calls us to be.

Schedule Questions? Email us
Thursday 6:45 AM
The bus departs from Winston-Salem, NC promptly at 6:45a. Give yourself extra time to get your luggage stowed and ready for departure.
Saturday 7:00 PM
Return to Winston-Salem, NC. Time is approximate.

Steve's integration of battlefield tactics, ethics and Christian leadership under fire was readily applied to everyday life at home and the workplace. His knowledge of Jackson and Lee allows him to weave their defining thoughts, speech and battles together in a riveting way that made me feel as if I had witnessed the actual events. I left our three days together trying to figure out how I could expose this experience to friends at home. I have been a part of many corporate leadership training courses for 20 times the price that had 1/20th of the value.

Jeff LeForce - Partner, Drake Capital

How much does the trip cost?
One adult $275
Two adults $550
Father & son $550
Father & two sons $625
Father & three sons $700
One adult, single occupancy $385

Does Lead With Character profit from the trips?

We do not make money putting on the trips or clear any profit from ticket sales. In fact, donors subsidize each ticket to keep costs down.

We know the ticket prices are still significant. What you gain from the trip will be worth the cost many times over.

Are there scholarships available?

Tickets are already subsidized, but in special cases where cost is the only prohibiting factor, there may be scholarship funds available to reduce the cost a bit more.

Who runs Lead With Character?

Read about our staff here!